Blog posts

Et si le sommeil était en partie la solution ? - Lundigo

What if sleep was part of the solution?

Good, restful sleep helps regulate weight , but how? Sleep regulates the production of leptin and orexin, two hormones responsible for feeling full and storing fat, as well as ghrelin,...

What if sleep was part of the solution?

Good, restful sleep helps regulate weight , but how? Sleep regulates the production of leptin and orexin, two hormones responsible for feeling full and storing fat, as well as ghrelin,...

Winter is coming… et les insuffisances en vitamine D aussi ! - Lundigo

Winter is coming… and vitamin D deficiency too!

Winter is approaching, therefore, the sun is getting more and more scarce and we are less outdoors, due to the cold, to enjoy the benefits of the remaining sun rays....

Winter is coming… and vitamin D deficiency too!

Winter is approaching, therefore, the sun is getting more and more scarce and we are less outdoors, due to the cold, to enjoy the benefits of the remaining sun rays....

Les aliments à éviter le soir - Lundigo

Foods to avoid in the evening

"Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a poor man in the evening", does that mean anything to you?

Foods to avoid in the evening

"Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a poor man in the evening", does that mean anything to you?

La frustration des régimes - Lundigo

The frustration of diets

Different from a diet, rebalancing is a different approach that encourages you to adopt new eating habits, but also a healthier lifestyle more generally. Indeed, more and more people wishing...

The frustration of diets

Different from a diet, rebalancing is a different approach that encourages you to adopt new eating habits, but also a healthier lifestyle more generally. Indeed, more and more people wishing...

Les bienfaits de la queue de cerise - Lundigo

The benefits of the cherry tail

For centuries the cherry tail has been used for its diuretic and purifying properties , it allows your body to get rid of all the accumulated toxins.

The benefits of the cherry tail

For centuries the cherry tail has been used for its diuretic and purifying properties , it allows your body to get rid of all the accumulated toxins.

Les bienfaits du Pruneau - Lundigo

The benefits of Prune

Our laboratory technicians have integrated prune juice into LundiGo for its many properties. Promoting transit, it is recognized for its slimming properties.

The benefits of Prune

Our laboratory technicians have integrated prune juice into LundiGo for its many properties. Promoting transit, it is recognized for its slimming properties.