Les bienfaits de la queue de cerise - Lundigo

The benefits of the cherry tail

Our laboratory technicians have integrated the cherry tail into LundiGo for its many properties:

  • For centuries the cherry tail has been used for its diuretic and purifying properties , it allows your body to get rid of all the accumulated toxins,

  • The kidneys are organs that, like the liver, remove waste from the body. The flavonoid (molecule with diuretic properties) and the potassium salt present in the cherry stalk stimulate urinary or digestive elimination ,

  • The cherry tail will improve the filtration of the blood to remove impurities, as well as excess water,

  • Among its many virtues let us not forget the slimming effects . It is also used to fight against water retention.

It will help you unclog adipose tissue and thus deflate permanently. From now on, you will no longer throw away your cherry stems!

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