Blog posts

Quelles sont les règles à respecter avant de commencer une cure de complément alimentaire ? - Lundigo

What are the rules to follow before starting a ...

Food supplements are not trivial. They are made up of active ingredients that have an effect on our body. The decision to start a cure must be a thoughtful act...

What are the rules to follow before starting a ...

Food supplements are not trivial. They are made up of active ingredients that have an effect on our body. The decision to start a cure must be a thoughtful act...

La routine spéciale confinement. - Lundigo

The special confinement routine.

Containment is back! Although we may think it is a difficult time to live, it can still mean positive change for you, your goals and your daily routine. It is...

The special confinement routine.

Containment is back! Although we may think it is a difficult time to live, it can still mean positive change for you, your goals and your daily routine. It is...

Le jeûne intermittent pour la perte de poids. - Lundigo

Intermittent fasting for weight loss.

A trendy diet for its effectiveness on weight loss, intermittent fasting has many benefits and can help you reach your goal! We are learning a little more today!

Intermittent fasting for weight loss.

A trendy diet for its effectiveness on weight loss, intermittent fasting has many benefits and can help you reach your goal! We are learning a little more today!

Perte de poids, perte de gras : comment s'y prendre ? - Lundigo

Weight loss, fat loss: how to go about it?

How to choose between weight loss and fat loss? What is the difference and how do you go about optimizing your loss as much as possible? We explain in our...

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Weight loss, fat loss: how to go about it?

How to choose between weight loss and fat loss? What is the difference and how do you go about optimizing your loss as much as possible? We explain in our...

1 comment
Manger en pleine conscience - Lundigo

Eat mindfully

We are in a time where we have access to everything quickly, which makes us impatient, we no longer take the time to do things. Therefore, we no longer realize...

Eat mindfully

We are in a time where we have access to everything quickly, which makes us impatient, we no longer take the time to do things. Therefore, we no longer realize...

Une séance de sport en confinement avec LundiGo - Lundigo

A sports session in confinement with LundiGo

1 week of confinement and you already walk around your home like a caged lion? Are you starting (if you haven't already) stared out of the corner of your eye...

A sports session in confinement with LundiGo

1 week of confinement and you already walk around your home like a caged lion? Are you starting (if you haven't already) stared out of the corner of your eye...