Quelle routine beauté adopter pendant l'été ? - Lundigo

What beauty routine should you adopt during the summer?

Summer is a time when our skin and hair need special attention. The sun's rays, heat and humidity can affect our appearance and well-being. This is why it is essential to adopt a beauty routine adapted to this season. In this article, we show you the best practices to protect your skin, nourish your hair and highlight your natural beauty during the summer. Follow our tips and tricks for a brilliant summer season!

Protect your skin from the sun's rays

Protect your skin from the sun's rays

Sun exposure is unavoidable during summer, but it's essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Generously apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF, even on cloudy days. Also wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for added protection.

Hydrate your skin deeply

Hydrate your skin deeply

Summer heat can cause dehydration of the skin. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to maintain optimal hydration. Also use moisturizing products suited to your skin type to prevent dryness and keep your skin soft and supple.

Nourish your hair deeply

Nourish your hair deeply

The sun, sea salt and chlorine from swimming pools can damage your hair during the summer. Use nutrient-rich hair products to deeply nourish your hair. Opt for hydrating hair masks and nourishing oils to prevent frizz and keep your hair shiny and healthy.

Adopt a light skincare routine

Adopt a light skincare routine

During the summer, it's best to opt for light skincare products that don't overload your skin. Use gentle cleansers to remove impurities and sunscreen residue. Opt for lightweight moisturizers and serums made with natural ingredients to nourish your skin without making it oily.

Highlight your natural beauty

natural beauty

During summer, opt for light, natural makeup to highlight your natural beauty. Use products with natural ingredients and avoid heavy foundations that can clog pores. Focus on bright colors and light textures for a fresh, summery look.


By adopting a beauty routine suitable for summer, you can protect your skin, nourish your hair and highlight your natural beauty. Protect yourself from the sun's rays, hydrate your skin, deeply nourish your hair and opt for light and natural products. Follow these tips and tricks for a vibrant summer season resplendent with natural beauty!

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